Cape Cod League schedule

Awards & trophies require a minimum of 20 matches (65%) League dues & rosters must be sent to the statistician at the latest, with the results of the third match. Checks made out to Cape Cod Pistol League and sent to the statistician.            
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Turn in any original score sheets to the statistician when competing against Acushnet. Scores are to be entered each week promptly.

Any team unable to attend a scheduled match must notify the opposing team before 6:00 pm on the day of the match by telephone. Please notify statistician of cancelled matches.                       

Matches start at 7:30 or earlier if both capt's agree.   Shawme's home matches will start at 7:00.  Home team supplies light refreshments.

Cape Cod League
2016/2017 Season
